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    I cannot upload an image / a file

    The maximum image size is set to 1.5 Mbytes to avoid excessive storage space and page loading times. Please compact your images prior to uploading.

    The maximum attachment size is set to 30 Mbytes. Contact administrator if this is not enough.

    How can I insert Greek characters or symbols?

    The wiki uses Unicode font (16-bits coded, also called UTF fonts) which have greek letters (and many others) included. You can insert greek characters in the standard fonts used by the wiki by copy-pasting them from the Operating System's character map accessory, or learning keyboard shortcuts.

    New, may 2008: The wiki now uses a new "Wysiwyg" editor, which has an "insert special character" button.

    There is already a plugin for displaying TeX equations. See Help/Nices Features!

    How can I avoid creating a new paragraph each time I press Enter?

    The Enter button creates a new paragraph, with the html code <p>. This results in a double interline

    like this

    To avoid it, press Shift + Enter, with generates the html code <br>, and a simple interline
    like this

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